Volume 7
Number 1, January 2025A Case Report of Ludwig’s Angina: Extensive Spread from Tooth to Breast
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47648/zhswmcj.2025.v0701.07
Humayra ZU1 , Esha NN2 , Sharmin A3 , Razy MAA4 , Zaman T5
Ludwig’s angina is a rapidly spreading and often fatal progressive cellulitis of soft tissues of the neckand floor of the mouth. It was first described in 1836, and before the widespread use of antibiotics, morethan 50% of the cases were fatal. In most incidences, it is odontogenic (85%) in origin, while peritonsillarabscess, mandibular fractures, sialadenitis, oral ulcers, and mandibular osteomyelitis are other familiarsources. Most documented cases occur in adult males 20 to 60 years of age. We report a case of Ludwig’sangina with necrotizing fasciitis spreading throughout the right breast, presented as an abscess.
Keywords: Ludwig’s angina, Necrotizing fasciitis, Breast Abscess
- Associate Professor, Department of Surgery
- Medical Officer, Department of Surgery
- Specialty Doctor, Breast Surgery Unit
- Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery