Factors Influence in Provision of Adolescent Friendly Health Services by Outreach Workers

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47648/zhswmcj.2022.v0402.04

Nurunnabi M1 , Khan FA2 , Noor IN3 , Alam MB4 , Begum A5


Background: Adolescence is a crucial transition phase of development in life. Globally, adolescents constitute a major portion of the communities, particularly in developing countries. In this phase, they are more likely to seek to a friendly health service without being ashamed of their condition.

Methods: A multi-center based cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the factors that influence in provision of adolescent friendly health services (AFHS) by outreach workers in the selected Government supported and private based health settings.

Results: The mean age of the outreach workers in both settings, the significant age difference was constructed (21.1+/-4.2 and 45.5+/-11.4 years). No adolescent was designated as outreach worker, even any participation of adolescent was not depicted from the community in the provision of AFHSs in the Govt. settings. In the case of provision of services in the communities, Govt. supported health facilities affiliated workers were striving with more components than private settings. Factors affecting AFHSs, private settings workers get more training, and had sound knowledge and practices on referral system and assistance in referral; controversially, they had inadequate medicine supply and no investigation facilities.

Conclusion: To strengthen the quality of AFHSs outreach workers need more training, human resources, promotional materials and well equipped health facilities with adequate medicine supplies. For making the services available and easily accessible needs to expand adolescent friendly health corners (AFHCs) in both of type settings by the intrgrated approach of both government, policymakers and stakeholders.

Keywords: Adolescents, adolescent friendly health services, outreach workers, Bangladesh.

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Sylhet Women's Medical College, Sylhet

  2. MPH Fellow, Department of Maternal and Child Health

    National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Dhaka

  3. Assistant Professor, Department of Maternal and Child Health

    National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Dhaka

  4. Gazaria Upazila Health Complex, Munshiganj

    Gazaria Upazila Health Complex, Munshiganj

  5. Professor, Department of Maternal and Child Health

    National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Dhaka

Volume 4, Number 2, July 2022
Page: 16-20