Pattern of road traffic Accident and their consequences in Dhaka City


Tasnim Rahman1 , Muiz Uddin Ahmed Choudhury2


Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are one of the eight burning public health issues worldwide causing 1.3 million death every year. This study aimed to see the pattern of road traffic injuries, their consequences, and factors associated within Dhaka city. A cross-sectional study was conducted among Road Traffic Accident victims attended in three largest and tertiary care hospitals located inside the Dhaka metropolitan area through structured interviews between 25 January and 21 February 2017 with a sample size of 140. The majority of injured patients were between 18-37 years. More than 55% of injuries were severe, and intracranial injury (27.1%) was the most common type. T-junction (32.1%) and highways (31.4%) were most places for RTAs where half of the total victims were passengers. Our study indicates age, gender, and educational status were significantly associated with consequences of RTAs (p<0.05). Moreover, among the RTAs related variables, type of vehicle, RTA type, injury place, and treatment approach found significantly associated with consequences of RTAs (P<0.05). The findings of this study could play an important role to build awareness on RTAs among policymakers and general peoples to reduce mortality due to RTIs.

Keywords: Road Traffic Injuries (RTA), Type of vehicle, Place of injury, Time of injury.

  1. Department of Preventive and Social Medicine

    National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Mohakhali, Dhaka

  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Jalalabad Ragib Rabeya Medical College, Sylhet

Volume 2, Number 2, July 2020
Page: 19-23