Volume 3
Number 2, July 2021Management of Blepharoptosis update - A Review
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47648/zhswmcj.2021.v0302.07
Narayon Chandra Bhowmik1 , A.B.Shamsudduha2 , Ferdous Akhter Jolly3 , Ashraf Sayeed4
Blepharoptosis, or ptosis of the eyelid, refers to drooping of the upper eyelid .The condition is cosmetically noticeable even in the earliest stages .It usually results from a congenital or acquired abnormality of the muscles that elevate the eyelid. Ptosis may be the presenting sign or symptom of a serious neurologic disease. Regardless of the etiology, when ptosis obstructs vision, it is disabling. The appropriate management requires recognition of the underlying cause. we discuss the clinical approaches to the management of ptosis .This review article highlights the various aspects of ptosis evaluation and management.
Keywords: Blepharoptosis, levator muscle, Muller’s muscle, Fasanella–Servat procedure, Frontalis sling surgery.
- Assistant professor & Resident Surgeon, Dept. of Ophthalmology
- Assistant Professor. Dept. of Ophthalmology
- Associate Professor. Dept. of Ophthalmology
- Professor & Head of The Dept. of Ophthalmology