Z H Sikder Women’s Medical College Journal
An Official Organ of Z H Sikder Women’s Medical College
Print Version: ISSN 2707-9252
DOI: 10.47648

Aims and Scopes
The Z H Sikder Women’s Medical College Journal is a regular, peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Prof. Dr. Nadia Begum on behalf of Z H Sikder Women’s Medical College.
ZHSWMCJ is published biannually (6 monthly) with the aim to encourage, promote and increase knowledge in the wide field of medical science through original articles, review articles, case-reports and short communications on any subject of Medical Science.
All papers are accepted for publication with an understanding that they are submitted solely to this journal and subject to peer review by panel of reviewers.
The journal strictly follows the rules and guidelines of Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC), Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
All original articles are assigned doi (Digital Object Identifier) by CrossRef.